The Institute for Natural Resources, Energy, and Environmental Management (IREEM) received a visit from representatives of the Danish Energy Agency (DEA).
Jakarta, 7 November 2023. Several leaders of the Institute for Natural Resources, Energy and Environmental Management (IREEM), such as Dr. Saleh Abdurrahman, IREEM Board of Directors; Dr. Arief Yunan, Executive Director of IREEM; and Unggung Widhiantoro, Development Director, welcomed Anders Kruse, Head of Denmark-Indonesia Energy Cooperation, Danish Energy Agency (DEA); Line Victoria Blirup Jensen, Head of the Energy Efficiency Project in Buildings; Anne Svendsen and Luzie Rück from Viegand Maagøe; and Christina Aprillia, Energy Consultant from the Danish Embassy.
Dr. Arief Yunan, Executive Director of IREEM, welcomed DEA's visit as a positive step in expanding international collaboration and cooperation in the energy sector. More specifically, Dr. Saleh Abdurrahman added that IREEM has collaborated with DEA in biomass studies in Lombok and Sumbawa and is open to strengthening collaboration with DEA to support Indonesian Government programs in the fields of energy efficiency, bioenergy, carbon pricing and energy transition.
The purpose of this meeting refers to the need for closer alignment and coordination between the IREEM-Mentari EE UK-PACT project and the Indonesia Energy and Environmental Partnership (INDODEPP) especially in energy efficiency projects in the Building sector in Indonesia which are coordinated by the Directorate of Energy Conservation HRM.
In this visit session, the exchange of information related to the progress and follow-up plans for IREEM Mentari-UK PACT and INDODEPP activities related to Energy Efficiency which focuses on Buildings was also discussed. Anne, DEA representative, said that this coordination was important to ensure there will be no duplication of activities in the same place, a forum for sharing experiences, and strengthening collaboration for a greater impact for Indonesia.
The presence of representatives from DEA provides a valuable contribution in the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences that strengthens synergy between institutions in efforts to increase efficiency and sustainability in the energy and environmental sectors.